Member Spotlights – Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative Listen, Educate, Collaborate Wed, 01 May 2024 14:22:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Member Spotlights – Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative 32 32 BlastPoint Wed, 01 May 2024 12:30:25 +0000 BlastPoint specializes in developing AI-powered, result-driven customer intelligence software designed to assist utility companies in reaching the right customers at the right time through the right channels with just the right messages. Continue reading

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May 2024

Member Spotlight

Throughout 2024, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.

About BlastPoint

BlastPoint specializes in developing AI-powered, result-driven customer intelligence software designed to assist utility companies in reaching the right customers at the right time through the right channels with just the right messages. Designed for business teams, BlastPoint’s Customer Intelligence Platform makes data insights accessible and actionable in less than three months of implementation.

BlastPoint has enabled companies in highly regulated industries around the world to operationalize customer data, meet customer experience goals and become customer-focused organizations.

Customer Intelligence Technology

The company’s objective-driven machine learning technology is meticulously crafted to support the achievement of specific goals. Setting itself apart, BlastPoint refreshes data daily for 20 percent of U.S. households and businesses. Each solution offered is customized to fit the unique customer base of the utility, eschewing the generic, one-size-fits-all approach. As market conditions shift, BlastPoint's models evolve in tandem, ensuring they remain aligned with the dynamic needs of customers.

The platform's success is driven by the collective expertise of its team, which brings over 100 years of experience in data science. This depth of knowledge ensures that data is not just collected, but effectively leveraged to drive real ROI and boost customer satisfaction.

Embracing a Data-Driven Approach to Customer-Centricity

As the digital era reshapes industries, the utilities sector faces a crucial transformation, shifting from viewing individuals as "ratepayers" to engaging them as valued "customers" with a focus on customer-centricity and data-driven strategies.

BlastPoint offers strategic partnerships and business-oriented strategies, enabling utilities to effectively manage this transition by providing the necessary tools, expertise and support to empower utilities to leverage analytics to their fullest potential. By adopting a data-driven and customer-focused approach, utilities not only enhance customer satisfaction but also achieve significant operational and financial improvements.

Make Your Customer Data Work for You

Utilities utilizing BlastPoint have experienced a 30-percent increase in digital self-service engagement, more than a 300-percent increase in engagement with low-to-moderate income customers, a 98-percent increase in enrollment in EV programs, a 47-percent increase in collection rates and more. Their use cases extend across a wide range of customer-related initiatives, including:

  • Engage Low-to-Moderate Income Customers: Enhance support by educating on assistance options and streamlining the enrollment process, ensuring timely help for those at risk.
  • Optimize Call Management: Reduce call center load by promoting the use of digital channels for a seamless customer experience.
  • Elevate Satisfaction with AI: Utilize artificial intelligence to improve customer happiness and boost daily satisfaction metrics.
  • Refine Program Targeting: Increase program impact by matching initiatives to the ideal customer profile and refining communication strategies.
  • Enhance Collections Strategy: Proactively manage accounts by identifying deviations from predictive models and engaging customers with timely outreach.
  • Promote Energy Efficiency: Encourage adoption of energy-saving measures among customers most likely to engage, enhancing program uptake.
  • Increase E-Billing Adoption: Drive e-billing enrollment by aligning with customer values on sustainability, targeting those most receptive.
  • Accelerate EV Adoption: Identify leading consumers in EV adoption, focusing efforts on achieving equitable access and participation.

Learn more about their technology by visiting and following the company on LinkedIn and X.

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]]> Beneficial Electrification League Mon, 01 Apr 2024 13:00:14 +0000 The Beneficial Electrification League is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 2018 that works to facilitate electrification, when it is beneficial, by promoting understanding among key stakeholders, championing necessary grid infrastructure and developing actionable resources to accelerate implementation. Continue reading

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April 2024

Member Spotlight

Throughout 2024, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.

About The Beneficial Electrification League (BEL)

The Beneficial Electrification League is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established in 2018 that works to facilitate electrification, when it is beneficial, by promoting understanding among key stakeholders, championing necessary grid infrastructure and developing actionable resources to accelerate implementation. BEL envisions a future where electrification is broadly implemented, when beneficial, to drive economic development, meet consumer needs, and achieve environmental goals.

What is Beneficial Electrification?

Beneficial electrification includes the application of electricity to end-uses where doing so satisfies at least one of the following conditions, without adversely affecting the others:

  • Saves consumers money over time;
  • Benefits the environment and reduces greenhouse gas emissions;
  • Improves product quality or consumer quality of life;
  • Fosters a more robust and resilient grid.

Supporting Electric Cooperatives and Municipal Utilities

BEL helps electric cooperatives and municipal utilities navigate issues related to beneficial electrification.

Examples of their work include:

  • USDA PACE and New ERA Program Support: BEL is assisting coalitions of munis and co-ops with proposals, including at least 100 projects worth $13B in cost, totaling 4,000 MW solar, 2,000 MW wind, 2,000 MW storage and annual GHG reduction of 22M+ tons.
  • DOE’s Grid Resilience 40101(d) Program Support: BEL has supported over a dozen applications in multiple states for entities which qualify for small utility set asides to gain access to funding through state formula grant programs.
  • DOE’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) Program Support: BEL has helped over a dozen utilities apply for and win competitive and formula EECBG grants.
  • DOE’s Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program Support: BEL helped support 11 applicants in round two of the GRIP Program, totaling over $200 million in grants and supported approximately $300 million in grant funding.
  • Tribal Assistance: BEL is facilitating partnerships between tribal organizations and their electric cooperatives and utility partners to apply for BIA tribal electrification grants and DOE electrification programs.
  • Direct Pay Tax Credit Support: BEL provides guidance for community-owned municipal & cooperative utilities to facilitate utilization of the U.S. Treasury’s Direct Pay Tax Credits.
  • Weatherization/Electrification Together Initiative: BEL has developed a coalition of 350 distribution co-ops across 32+ states to design & implement a home energy retrofit model that combines weatherization & electrification to benefit low-income and disadvantaged consumers, reduce emissions, and improve grid efficiency.
  • Electric School Bus Initiative: BEL launched a coalition effort to bring together 300 rural electric co-ops in 20+ states to facilitate coordination between utilities and school districts on electric school bus programs and troubleshoot issues of concern with the EPA Clean School Bus program.
  • State Electrify Meetings: BEL has created a politically neutral brand of event where state and local stakeholders can discuss new technologies, products, and program performance. Recent events have covered topics spanning federal funding opportunities, tax policy, electric school buses, water heaters, weatherization, and more! BEL has hosted 31 state-wide leadership summits with 3,000+ event attendees.

Collaborative Success

BEL brings together a diverse group of organizations that support acceptance of beneficial electrification as a necessary strategy to meet economic, consumer and environmental goals. Connect with BEL by contacting For more information, visit and follow the organization on LinkedIn.

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]]> Arizona Public Service (APS) Fri, 01 Mar 2024 16:39:12 +0000 Arizona Public Service (APS) is a leader in delivering reliable, affordable and clean energy for approximately 1.4 million customers in Arizona. APS is committed to serving customers with 100-percent clean and carbon-free power by 2050 while maintaining reliable energy to meet customer needs. Continue reading

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March 2024

Member Spotlight

Throughout 2024, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.

About Arizona Public Service

Arizona Public Service (APS) is a leader in delivering reliable, affordable and clean energy for approximately 1.4 million customers in Arizona. APS is committed to serving customers with 100-percent clean and carbon-free power by 2050 while maintaining reliable energy to meet customer needs.

As owner and operator of Palo Verde Generating Station, the nation’s largest producer of carbon-free electricity, and with one of the country’s most substantial renewable energy portfolios, APS’s current energy mix is 51-percent clean. APS offers customers a diverse set of flexible programs, which provide mutual benefits to the grid and meets customers’ needs in ways that best fit their lifestyles.

APS’s Virtual Power Plant

APS’s demand response (DR) portfolio is comprised of multiple residential and non-residential customer programs. To deliver this portfolio of programs, APS works with industry partners to offer customer rebates and discounts for eligible devices, including smart thermostats, batteries and water heaters. With high customer participation, the program creates a network of connected customer devices, creating a virtual power plant. In 2023, APS’s DR portfolio of programs provided approximately 175 megawatts (MW) of capacity to support grid reliability.

Most of the virtual power plant capacity comes from APS Cool Rewards. The program enables customers to participate by allowing their smart thermostats to automatically adjust the temperature in customers’ homes by just a few degrees during a Cool Rewards program day. The combined impact is amplified as more customers join the program and is seen as a growing resource that helps APS serve all customers during the critical summer months. The program has over 80,000 enrolled smart thermostats and provides up to three hours of load reduction with the maximum single hour capacity of 138 MW.

One tool helping scale the program is APS Marketplace, an online shopping site where customers can be better informed and motivated to buy demand-friendly electrical products and can directly enroll into programs with the purchase of their connected device.

Electric vehicle (EV) adoption is also increasing in APS’s service territory. APS is working to support approximately 450,000 EVs by 2030. In order to best support its customers, APS is focused on EV education and outreach, fleet electrification, EV grid integration through managed charging and enabling access to EV charging infrastructure across Arizona.

Renewable Energy and Battery Storage

As Arizona continues to see an increase in residential population and economic growth, the demand for energy from extra-large energy users has also increased significantly. APS customers are adopting their own clean energy goals and are looking to APS to help them achieve their ambitious goals. APS developed the award-winning Green Power Partners (GPP) program, which consists of three distinct solutions that provide business customers options related to how they invest in renewable energy. Most importantly, there is no cost shift to non-participating customers and the revenue generated through GPP is passed back to all APS customers.

Additionally, APS supports customers who choose to install clean energy technologies like rooftop solar and battery storage. In 2023, APS interconnected more than 20,000 residential rooftop solar systems and over 100 commercial photovoltaic systems. Further, residential customers installed more than 1,000 energy storage systems. APS continues to expand its virtual power plant by including residential battery customers through pilot programs.

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]]> Thu, 01 Feb 2024 14:00:44 +0000 As a trailblazer in clean energy, is committed to advancing discussions and actions related to clean energy programs. The platform serves as both a technological solution and a key contributor to the energy industry's evolution. Continue reading

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February 2024

Member Spotlight

Throughout 2024, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.


As a trailblazer in clean energy, powerconnectAI Inc. is committed to advancing discussions and actions related to clean energy programs. The platform serves as both a technological solution and a key contributor to the energy industry's evolution. By embracing's solutions, energy companies can unlock new efficiencies, customer satisfaction and sustainability, ushering in a new chapter in utility-customer engagement.

As 2024 unfolds, we’re on the cusp of a transformative era where artificial intelligence (AI) is pivotal. In this dynamic landscape, stands out as a beacon of innovation, particularly in the realm of clean energy and customer service. In today's fast-paced world, understanding the intricacies of service provider programs, be it electric vehicle (EV), solar or energy efficiency programs, can be a daunting task for customers. The complexity of information often leads to confusion and a less-than-ideal experience. That's where steps in to bridge the gap.

Leadership and Innovation by Young Entrepreneurs

Steven Dawson, the founder and CEO of, envisions a future where AI reshapes business-customer interactions, making clean energy programs more approachable and accelerating the signup process through streamlined workflow automation. Nune Isabekyan, founder and CTO, emphasizes the role of specialized AI models and Generative AI in setting a new standard in customer support for clean energy programs. Their AI-powered advisor enhances customer interaction by creating personalized content and integrating with preferred communication channels, thereby reducing costs and elevating contact center skills.

Pioneering the Future of the Energy and Utilities Industry integrates cutting-edge, AI-driven innovations to redefine customer engagement in clean energy programs. Offering personalized and intuitive communication solutions, the company enhances customer satisfaction and participation. With a foundation rooted in curiosity and innovation, is dedicated to bridging crucial market gaps. This commitment is evident in their approach to crafting the future of energy and customer interactions, leveraging unique insights to create a transformative impact.

The company has partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) as their preferred cloud provider, a significant milestone, especially following the spotlight on Generative AI at AWS Re:Invent and CES. This partnership underscores a shared dedication to harnessing technology for a sustainable future, leveraging AWS's robust cloud technology. Additionally, has formed a strategic alliance with TMG, an RIA company, further enhancing its capabilities and reach in the energy and utilities industry. These partnerships collectively lead a transformative shift in the utilities industry.

Empowering Customer Service with Generative AI's offerings are centered around four core products that are revolutionizing the clean energy experience: One-Stop Shop Clean Energy Experience Website, AI Agent Assistance, Self-Service Advisor and Program Marketing Tool. These innovative solutions are designed to enhance customer engagement and provide seamless, efficient service delivery. In summary, is not just developing technology; it's crafting experiences that resonate with the changing dynamics of the industry. Its focus on GenAI-driven innovation, combined with a commitment to enhancing customer service and education in the clean energy industry, marks it as an indispensable tool in the journey towards a sustainable, customer-focused energy future.

Recent Milestones and Future Outlook

In a 90-day period, has strategically partnered with AWS and TMG. They have also begun recruiting top talent for ongoing projects. The company’s innovation has been recognized with a nomination as a startup finalist at DISTRIBUTECH International and a feature in Silicon magazine as one of the top-five AI companies for 2024. is excited to participate in key industry events, including conferences hosted by Oracle, SAP and CS Week. As proud members of the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC), they look forward to deepening their engagement in shaping a sustainable energy future.

Special Event Announcement

Experience the revolution in customer service with Generative AI. Join on February 28 at 10 a.m. at DISTRIBUTECH International to witness's founders Steven Dawson and Nune Isabekyan unveil the future of customer service in the energy and utility industry. This presentation will showcase the revolutionary application of Generative AI, marking a significant milestone in how energy companies and utilities can interact with their customers. Don't miss this opportunity to see the transformative potential of AI in action, brought to you live by the visionaries at the forefront of the industry.

Additionally, an exclusive VIP dinner, specifically tailored for professionals in the utilities sector, is scheduled for February 27 at DISTRIBUTECH. Hosted in partnership with TMG, this intimate dinner offers utility executives a unique platform for networking and engaging in strategic discussions. Due to the specialized nature of this dinner and the desire to foster meaningful dialogue, seats are highly limited. Those interested in attending are encouraged to register early to secure their participation.

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]]> GridX Tue, 02 Jan 2024 15:56:05 +0000 GridX is the Enterprise Rate Platform that modern, customer-centric utilities, energy suppliers and technology providers rely on to usher in our clean energy future. Continue reading

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January 2024

Member Spotlight

Throughout 2024, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.

About GridX

GridX is the Enterprise Rate Platform that modern, customer-centric utilities, energy suppliers and technology providers rely on to usher in our clean energy future. Their comprehensive suite of big data rate analytics solutions streamlines the design, implementation and marketing of emerging rate structures and customer programs, increases consumer adoption and investment in distributed energy resources (DERs) and behind-the-meter (BTM) technologies, and manages the complex billing needs associated with these new rates and programs.

GridX has run successful programs with some of the most innovative utilities across the United States, has 26 million smart meters under management, calculates nearly 50 million bills a day and has modeled and validated more than 500 tariffs.

As examples of their work, GridX helped Southern California Edison (SCE) enroll 59 percent of their residential customers on time-of-use (TOU) rates as of August 2023. As an added benefit, SCE achieved significant peak load reduction in August 2022, making it equivalent to the third largest program in their demand response (DR) lineup. PSEG LI also tapped GridX to help deploy their TOU pilot program, and among the successful results was being able to get more than double the targeted number of customers enrolled in the program.

The Digital Transformation of Utility Ratemaking

As the grid becomes more complex and additional clean energy technologies are adopted, tariff design and digital rate processes need to be repeatable and flexible in a way that enables utilities to make changes or construct new rates, as well as quickly operationalize those rates. In addition, rates and business models have become more complex, and this is likely to increase as some utilities pursue highly personalized options.

By digitizing a rate or tariff within the GridX Enterprise Rate Engine, it allows its DNA to be componentized, shareable and reusable. The different departments within a utility that touch a rate – namely rate design, customer and billing teams – all have different systems and processes. Digitization breaks down these silos to allow users from different departments of the organization to share the same tariff model or rate in the same format, which improves efficiency, reduces potential errors and creates a single source of rates truth.

Rates Done Right, Now

GridX products and solutions leverage the GridX Enterprise Rate Engine, which completely replicates the bill calculations created by the utility billing system (CIS). This allows users of our products to have an enhanced “sandbox” to work with the rates, tariff models and customer data that has always been locked within the CIS. With intuitive and user-friendly interfaces, users can quickly perform large scale and complex analysis without any need for programming skills or the need to search and combine multiple data sources. This approach also breaks down departmental silos, allowing for information to flow more efficiently and to maintain data integrity.

Delivering Value Across Critical Use Cases

The GridX Enterprise Rate Engine manages the entire energy product lifecycle across four core use cases:

  • Rate Design & Analytics: Build and optimize products that benefit customers and support utility revenue goals.
  • Marketing & Conversion: Upgrade or enhance current customer experiences with real-time, billing grade conversion tools.
  • Customer Service: Quickly access deep analysis and insights and find the best rates for all customer classes.
  • Add-On Billing: Augment legacy billing systems with whole bill analysis and calculation capabilities.

For more information, visit and follow the company on LinkedIn and X. You can also check out their industry-leading podcast, With Great Power, where they interview the energy industry innovators building the future grid, today.

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]]> NTC Corporate Fri, 01 Dec 2023 14:30:13 +0000 For over 45 years of operation, NTC has connected thousands of schools to energy organizations by educating students, their families and community members about energy efficiency, safety, conservation, renewable energy and, now, clean energy and the energy transition. Continue reading

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December 2023

Member Spotlight

Throughout 2023, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.

About NTC Corporate

NTC is a WBENC-certified premium provider of educational outreach and content to over one million students and 3,000 schools annually. With operations in the United States, Australia and New Zealand, NTC uses schools as community hubs to spread client messaging into their service territories. For over 45 years of operation, NTC has connected thousands of schools to energy organizations by educating students, their families and community members about energy efficiency, safety, conservation, renewable energy and, now, clean energy and the energy transition. NTC works directly between schools and clients to promote beneficial behaviors and life skills to help inspire the next generation of leaders, scientists, artists, thinkers, pioneers and world citizens in grades K-12 on a local, regional and national level.

A Customized Approach to Educational Outreach

NTC combines customizable creative engagement strategies with effective school outreach methods to assist utilities in reaching energy efficiency and conservation goals. NTC supports energy savings goals by encouraging students, families and educators to adopt energy-efficient behaviors in schools, homes and communities for now and well into the future.

Founded on the principle of “edutainment,” NTC believes strongly that the foundation of effective educational outreach is to make it memorable and meaningful for students. Story-based and arts-integrated learning approaches elevate learning into ideas that stick with students, inspire them to action and effectively reach residential homes.

Curriculum and Content Capabilities

NTC has spent decades cultivating, innovating and successfully using effective ways to teach, entertain and inspire school-age children. These strategies include live, in-school assembly performances, interactive livestream performances, custom video capabilities, digital learning platforms and supplemental education materials like graphic novels, chapter books, take-home workbooks and gamification.

Responding to community needs and larger energy industry goals, NTC has developed curriculum product suites for: electrification, workforce development, clean energy and energy efficiency. Each education package is customized and designed through partnership and collaboration with utility clients and energy solution firms. By making the next generation aware of all aspects of the energy transition, NTC actively recruits natural adopters of new energy consumption habits.

Educational Impact in the LMI Community

NTC does not stop at creative and fun approaches to education. Coupling these approaches with effective and measurable school outreach methods means the “edutainment” can be targeted and done at scale, reaching students no matter the location.

NTC’s targeted outreach methods reach communities throughout the U.S., including rural, urban, mid-size, small town and everything in-between. NTC has been especially successful reaching LMI communities. In the 2022-23 school year, NTC visited 3,436 schools on behalf of clients, reaching 824,762 students and 44,284 educators with 56 percent of all schools reached nationally within LMI communities. Through kit programs, NTC helped clients claim 13,428,339 kWh savings. Ninety-nine percent of educators surveyed indicated they wanted their NTC program to return the following year, while also rating the educational level 6.62 out of 7 possible.

Partner with NTC

As the giant lift of the energy transition weighs heavily on energy utilities, gaining the buy-in of the next generation is imperative to lightening the load. NTC’s creative engagement strategies reach not only high school learners, but the youngest learners too. This long-term strategy of empowering young people early supports long-term solutions to the larger energy transition task, including energy efficiency, adoption of new technologies and workforce development gaps. Partnering with NTC means unique educational strategies that get students’ attention, inspire them to act and stick with them for years to come. Combining this creativity with measurable and targeted school outreach methods means utilities can spread energy transition messaging to the places in their territories that need it the most.

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]]> Leviton Wed, 01 Nov 2023 13:00:29 +0000 With a rich history spanning over 115 years, Leviton is one of the largest privately held global providers of electrical wiring devices, connectivity solutions and energy management systems and the brand most preferred by builders and contractors. Continue reading

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November 2023

Member Spotlight

Throughout 2023, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.

About Leviton Manufacturing

Leviton builds what’s next to light, power and connect everyday spaces, encompassing electrical, lighting, data networks and energy management. With a rich history spanning over 115 years, Leviton is one of the largest privately held global providers of electrical wiring devices, connectivity solutions and energy management systems and the brand most preferred by builders and contractors.

They develop thoughtful solutions that streamline processes, elevate safety standards, increase efficiency and enhance productivity. Leviton’s award-winning lighting controls, load centers and wiring devices help electrical industry professionals and homeowners create smart and safe living environments that deliver energy savings, convenience and reliability.

A Modular, Affordable Smart Energy Management Solution

The scalable and affordable Leviton Load Center is ideal for contractors and homeowners alike as it can install up to 25 percent faster, adheres to the most stringent UL safety requirements, provides user-friendly diagnostics plus insights into energy use, and features a sleek design.

Simplifying energy management, basic and smart circuit breakers can be intermixed in the Leviton Load Center, providing homeowners with a modular and cost-effective way to get the benefits of smart functionality while avoiding the headaches and high upfront costs associated with all-inclusive smart panels, or sacrificing panel space with aftermarket relay modules.

Customers can turn 2nd Gen Smart Circuit Breakers on or off from anywhere, schedule breaker activity to benefit from reduced energy rate periods and automate the shedding of nonessential loads. Also, Decora Smart devices can control individual lights, ceiling fans and electronics or small appliances, including ensuring they’re not left turned on and consuming unnecessary power via schedules or voice control.

Leviton is proud to be a pioneer in the electric vehicle charging industry, providing solutions for over a decade while keeping up with the latest technology – now allowing customers to schedule charging sessions, remotely start/stop, receive fault notifications and more.

My Leviton App Provides Advanced Functionality

As the most complete Wi-Fi lighting and load control solution available today, the My Leviton app allows for control of the Leviton smart breakers, smart EV Charging Stations and the Decora Smart Wi-Fi lighting and load controls, letting users view real-time energy information, control, and connect. The My Leviton app provides peace-of-mind with alerts and notifications for unusual electrical activity, including when and why a circuit trips, high or low voltage events, if the breaker fails a self-test, or if communication is lost. In addition to customized notifications per circuit, users can select Smart Anomaly Detection to receive alerts if unusual activity is identified, such as a freezer not running, or an HVAC system running for too long.

The updated My Leviton dashboard provides a quick-glance view of Leviton smart lighting devices and car chargers, plus an intuitive summary of real-time total energy usage including a breakdown of what source(s) are currently powering the residence and top consuming circuits by kWh. Consumption data can be viewed by day, week, billing period, and year-over-year with charts to identify trends in historical energy usage and opportunities to adjust behaviors and save money.

A Total Solution from a Trusted, Innovative Brand

As they've done for over 100 years, Leviton continues to equip homeowners with the necessary insights to control their expenses and environmental impact. They deliver a streamlined smart home and energy management experience by unifying control, scheduling and personalization of Leviton Smart Circuit Breakers, Decora Smart Wi-Fi Lighting and Evr-Green® Electric Vehicle Chargers in a single interface, allowing homeowners to view their energy use trends and coordinate activity to conserve energy and save money.

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]]> Consumers Energy Sun, 01 Oct 2023 15:00:24 +0000 As Michigan’s largest energy provider for over 135 years, Consumers Energy has a responsibility to protect the beautiful playground that makes Michigan such a great place to live, work and play. Continue reading

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October 2023

Member Spotlight

Throughout 2023, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.

About Consumers Energy

Michigan boasts more freshwater shoreline than anywhere else in the nation – on top of the over 11,000 inland lakes, 13,000 miles of scenic trails and 19 million acres of forestland. This type of geographical diversity provides unlimited recreational opportunities for an adventurous lifestyle right in the backyards of many Michiganders.

As Michigan’s largest energy provider for over 135 years, Consumers Energy has a responsibility to protect the beautiful playground that makes Michigan such a great place to live, work and play. They are dedicated to transforming their operations to create a cleaner, brighter energy future for the 6.7 million electric and natural gas customers who count on them across all 68 Lower Peninsula counties.

Becoming a Force of Change for the Next Generation

Consumers Energy’s Clean Energy Plan is focused on increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency to help minimize its footprint and build a better energy future for the next generation of Michiganders – all while delivering world-class performance with hometown service.

They are diligently working toward becoming coal free by 2025 and adding 8,000 megawatts of solar energy to their system, keeping them on path to achieve net-zero carbon emissions and using 90-percent clean energy by 2040.

Their plan leans heavily on emerging technologies such as grid modernization, battery storage and smart tools that will help lower peak customer demand for electricity and reduce energy waste so they can produce the right amount of power Michigan needs.

Partnering with Customers to Create a Smarter Grid

Customers play a key role in helping Consumers Energy operate smarter, cleaner and more efficiently. Through a variety of engagement efforts, they’re on a mission to educate customers – both residential and business – about how tracking energy use, making small changes like installing energy efficient products and participating in demand response programs can help lower bills and move Michigan toward a clean energy future.

Consumers Energy’s portfolio of energy efficiency offerings and energy management programs includes things like:

Energy efficiency programs alone have already saved three million megawatt-hours of electricity since 2009 (which equates to about $4 billion) and are projected to save about 9.5 million megawatt hours by 2040.

Paving the Way for Electrification

They are also leading the way for the future of transportation in Michigan. With a goal to power one million electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030, Consumers Energy is in the driver’s seat for the next generation of clean, zero-emission vehicles.

Through the PowerMIDrive program, they’ve provided financial rebates (up to $500 for residential and $7,500 for commercial) for more than 4,000 EV chargers for homes, businesses and public areas that encourage overnight off-peak charging and are helping to create a network of accessible charging stations that powers Michigan residents and visitors to any destination statewide.

And through PowerMIFleet, Consumers Energy offers turnkey solutions for fleet owners and public transit, connecting them with the planning resources, expert guidance and financial assistance or incentives to easily and cost-effectively transition to an electric fleet.

Ensuring Reliable and Affordable Service

Their Clean Energy Plan ensures continued focus on reliable and affordable energy for Michigan. Turning to natural gas as a fuel source to generate baseload power will not only reduce carbon emissions by 63 million tons from 2023-2040, but it will create price stability by saving customers roughly $650 million through 2040. This, along with the increased use of energy management tools, will give customers more control over their energy use and monthly bills. And last but certainly not least, Consumers Energy continues to ensure customers in need have access to payment assistance options and is committed to funding energy bill assistance programs.

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]]> EnergySage Fri, 01 Sep 2023 13:26:23 +0000 EnergySage is the leading online comparison-shopping marketplace for home electrification. Backed by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, has grown into the most visited website in the industry. Continue reading

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September 2023

Member Spotlight

Throughout 2023, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.

About EnergySage

EnergySage is the leading online comparison-shopping marketplace for home electrification. Backed by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center, has grown into the most visited website in the industry. Millions of customers trust EnergySage each year to learn about and shop for distributed energy solutions, including solar, energy storage, heat pumps and more. Empowering customers to make informed energy decisions, through simplicity, transparency and choice is central to the EnergySage mission. In 2022, EnergySage was acquired by Schneider Electric, a global leader in energy and automation and the most sustainable company in the world (Corporate Knights, 2021).

Customer-First Digital Tools

EnergySage’s portfolio of digital tools includes articles and videos, step-by-step guides, calculator tools and comparison-shopping marketplaces. These resources are provided directly to the public and in partnership with utilities and other trusted organizations. It takes just moments for customers to register their property and receive customized offers, which are delivered online from vetted local providers in a standardized format. Phone numbers are not required, and each customer is assigned a dedicated, vendor-neutral energy advisor to support them through their decision-making process.

EnergySage is continuously expanding its home electrification services through tools and partnerships. In the last few years, they have expanded their services from residential solar to storage, heat pumps, community solar and commercial solar. Furthermore, they are expanding the scope of their Energy Advisory service into a whole home electrification consultation for utility customers to learn and shop for solutions and access utility programs and offers through their trusted customer-friendly brand. Under the ownership of Schneider Electric, EnergySage is also integrating its offerings through other well-known service providers such as Uplight, Qmerit, AutoGrid and others.

Award-Winning Programs

EnergySage brings these resources to customers across the country through partnerships with a range of trusted organizations. EnergySage’s services include quick-to-launch digital tools, from customized educational content to white-labeled widgets displayed on the utility’s website and tailored Marketplace experiences. These solutions directly support utility program goals by boosting adoption of efficient technologies, cutting down on call center volumes and enabling program enrollment.

EnergySage’s suite of offerings for utility partners are easily customizable to different utility service territories’ needs, from modeling different rate structures in their solar calculator to integrating geographic or utility-specific incentives into the Marketplace experience. The Marketplace can be integrated into the utility’s customer experiences, leveraging single sign-on (SSO) capabilities, data APIs and more. EnergySage’s in-house content, marketing and design teams support utility partners with customer communications as needed. Real-time performance metric dashboards ensure utility partners have regular access to program data.

EnergySage’s partner programs garner strong customer engagement and high customer satisfaction and have been recognized by the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) with the 2020 Best Practices Award for Consumer Engagement for a solar marketplace with National Grid.

Partner with EnergySage

As customers look to their utility for guidance on home electrification, utilities look to EnergySage to help serve as the trusted advisor. EnergySage has partnered with utilities, including National Grid, Eversource, Central Hudson and Avangrid. In addition, EnergySage has powered solutions for state agencies and local governments including the Connecticut Green Bank, City of Denver, DC DOEE and others.

The EnergySage formula of unbiased information, transparency and choice helps customers make empowered solar decisions with customizations and reporting to meet utility program goals.

To learn more about how EnergySage can help you become your customers’ solar and storage guide, click here or contact them at

The post EnergySage appeared first on Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative.

]]> Touchstone Energy Tue, 01 Aug 2023 13:00:59 +0000 Touchstone Energy® is a national network of electric cooperatives across 46 states that provides research, communications resources and employee training programs to help its member cooperatives better engage and serve their members. Continue reading

The post Touchstone Energy appeared first on Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative.


August 2023

Member Spotlight

Throughout 2023, SECC will recognize one member every month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments in the smart energy space.

About Touchstone Energy® Cooperative, Inc.

Touchstone Energy® is a national network of electric cooperatives across 46 states that provides research, communications resources and employee training programs to help its member cooperatives better engage and serve their members.

As a result, Touchstone Energy cooperatives are positioned to achieve superior member satisfaction and engagement to strengthen the cooperative, the community it serves and the electric cooperative community at large. Continued customer service training for cooperative employees’ ties to high member satisfaction with an average score of 85 in the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI®).

Through access to targeted programs and a unifying, national brand, Touchstone Energy cooperatives stand out as a trusted source of power and information to their 30 million member-owners every day.

Educating Consumers on Energy Efficiency and Technology

Touchstone Energy provides information for member-consumers to increase energy efficiency and the adoption of new technologies. Consumers can walk through a digital “Home Energy Adventure” to evaluate efficiency and DIY upgrade projects. Fact sheets guide consumers through the renewable landscape on topics such as battery storage and solar.

Additionally, Touchstone Energy sponsors various quantitative and qualitative research efforts to provide information to its member cooperatives on topics, such as electric vehicles, smart home devices, residential solar and electrical safety, as well as consumer engagement and satisfaction, communication strategies and energy education. Touchstone Energy is a proud sponsor of SECC’s research studies on electric bills and rate plans, electric vehicles and beneficial electrification.

Moreover, Touchstone Energy provides opportunities for co-op members to gain a greater understanding of electric vehicles and participate in a community with other EV owners through the Touchstone Energy Electric Vehicle Car Club (EVCC).

NEXT Conference Brings Energy Professionals Together

Touchstone Energy’s annual NEXT Conference is their signature business-to-business event that brings together national, regional and local energy managers with co-op key account and energy services professionals from around the country. This conference facilitates innovation and provides a national perspective on important industry issues and demonstrates how businesses and co-ops are embracing the future.

Web and Creative Services Enhances the Cooperative Network Digital Footprint

Touchstone Energy’s network-wide digital communications effort focuses on the cooperative business model that reinforces the value of membership. High-quality creative is available to co-ops to use in their media efforts that supplements the multi-platform national media buy. Advertising messages focus on the cooperative difference along with themes tied to energy efficiency, safety, renewables and beneficial electrification.

Website development is a signature Touchstone Energy benefit to its members by providing the only content management system designed for electric cooperatives. This program provides members with expert design consultations, managed security services and AI functionality that meets WCAG 2.1 Level AA compliance.