October 2018
Member Spotlight
In 2018, SECC will be recognizing a member each month, providing an organizational profile and highlighting the member's accomplishments and output in the smart energy space.
Tendril is transforming the residential energy market. Their data analytics on more than 123 million homes creates new business opportunities for electric and gas utilities and energy retailers. Built over more than a decade, the Tendril Platform delivers real-time, ever-evolving data about the home and how people use energy in it. These rich insights help Tendril’s utility customers deliver energy savings, increase engagement with their customers and orchestrate home energy experiences.
Named by Navigant as a leader in home energy management, Tendril offers cutting-edge solutions in energy efficiency, customer engagement and demand management.
Tendril is a leader in creating customizable and innovative energy efficiency solutions that resonate with utility customers. Proven at scale, Tendril runs the largest home energy report (HER) program in the nation and has delivered more than 125 million HERs that have helped 4.8 million customers save 3.4 terawatt-hours (TWh) of energy.
Tendril’s fully customizable home energy reports achieve significant energy efficiency goals while cross-promoting other programs, products and services.
Tendril helps utilities advance their customer relationships by increasing satisfaction, building brand loyalty and unlocking new revenue streams. Tendril engagement products are personal to the recipient, delivering the right message over the right channel, at the right time.
Tendril’s engagement products help energy providers improve J.D. Power scores and achieve internal customer satisfaction metrics. For instance, Tendril HERs have an average customer satisfaction score of 8.17 on a 10-point scale, and more than half of customers say that Tendril HERs have a direct, positive impact on their satisfaction with their energy provider.
Tendril Orchestrated Energy is the world’s first cloud-based software enabling utilities to optimize system operation and customer comfort. It makes grid edge resources visible, predictable and dispatchable and establishes the utility’s role in the connected home. During Tendril’s 2017 summer rollouts on days when Orchestrated Energy was in control of the thermostat, Tendril utility partners reduced HVAC load by an average of 85 percent during the demand response window, and achieved an additional 14 percent of HVAC energy efficiency savings on top of the 10-percent savings already provided by smart thermostats. Additionally, customer comfort increased as evidenced by a 33-percent decrease in the number of times a customer adjusted their thermostat. Orchestrated Energy scales to manage the entire connected home simultaneously and manages multiple homes to optimize a neighborhood, circuit, region or entire system. It can then be dispatched like a virtual power plant, making it a true utility resource.
In fall 2018, Tendril launched Home Energy Analytics, a revolutionary web-based software application that drastically improves demand side management (DSM) program planning and performance. Tendril Home Energy Analytics’ self-service usability puts a 360-degree view of energy consumers at the fingertips of executives, program managers and marketers. It taps directly into the Tendril Platform to search and analyze hundreds of thousands of data points on each household to derive insights on the profile and energy use of the home and occupant, the products and services they are likely to purchase and how they will respond to promotions and recommendations.